Weddings and Baptisms

Are you thinking of getting married? Congratulations! If you currently live anywhere in Owlsmoor or College Town, or if you live elsewhere but have a family connection here, St George's would love to host your marriage service.
To start planning your special day please contact Rev. Catherine to talk through your plans.
If you are getting married elsewhere but need your Banns to be read at St. George's, please contact Rev. Catherine.
We are really pleased that you are interested in a Christening. They are a very exciting part of our journey of faith and whether you are thinking about your baby or child being christened, or thinking about it for yourself, there is lots to consider.
During the service the person being christened will be baptised with water, amazing promises will be made and they will be committed in to God’s care, trusting that they will go on to grow stronger in their faith and be a light for Christ in their families and communities.
To find out more you can visit the Church of England website here or contact Rev. Catherine on 01344 771286 or
We look forward to hearing from you.